Recently, the Wee Walking Tours family decided to immerse ourselves in the season by heading to a place that truly knows how to celebrate Halloween- Cairnie Fruit Farm. We were resolved to brave the elements despite the fact that many places in Scotland (including our destination) received a month’s worth of rain in the two days prior to our visit. Nevertheless, it was our only free day together and we were eager to explore the corn maze, pick pumpkins, and check out the fun Halloween decorations, and treats at the Farm shop. So, pop on your rain jacket and best waterproof boots and join us as we head to the Kingdom of Fife, Scotland!
Every October, we love to visit Cairnie Fruit Farm for all the fantastic autumn-themed entertainment they provide. As soon as you enter the Farm Shop, you know that you are in for some Halloween treats as festive pumpkins and decorations guide the way. It's always delightful to explore the Shop and check out the seasonal and year-round goods on offer. We were sure to tread carefully as we didn't know what ghoul might be lurking (or hanging) about!
While we were enjoying our time in the Shop, we were eager to set out on our grand adventure- the mega maze! So we bid our new spooky friends adieu, and headed outside to see what was in store for us. On our way to the maze, we saw a couple of food stands ready to offer hot and tasty food and treats.
This year’s corn maze has quite an amusing theme- “Dr. Moo Time Travel Adventure” (an adorable play off ‘Dr. Who’ for those who may not know about the long-running television show). I can’t properly express just how adorable this theme is, but I’ll share a bit of the description of what we needed to do- “Dr Moo’s troublesome Time Tractor is missing some parts and cannot get back to the present! Jump through time to find the parts and discover how farming has changed over 15,000 years.”

The first part of our mission was to find all 10 Time Tractor parts in the maze. Each time we found one, we had to put the matching sticker (which were supplied to us) onto the correct place on our game card. The stickers had Time Paths running across from side to side. We had to make sure the Time Paths at the edges of the stickers were all lined up before we stuck them down onto the game card.
The second part of our mission was to find eight sheep that were lost in time. As we found them situated throughout the maze, we then had to decorate their pictures on our game card with their matching souvenir hat stickers.

As we entered the corn maze, we quickly realized it was not going to be an easy task. Not only was it full of the expected twists and turns, but it was also a delightfully mucky mess. However, we didn't let that dampen our spirits as we precariously made our way through the maze. Fortunately, we all wore appropriate waterproof shoes and jackets and were well prepared.

After finally succeeding in finding all our Time Tractor parts and missing sheep, we triumphantly exited the maze, and made our way back to the Farm Shop. We had worked up an appetite journeying through time, and were excited to sample some of the Halloween treats in the café.

However, this wasn’t the end of our Halloween hijinx, as we saved one of the best parts for last- a visit to the pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkins to take home.
After a busy and soggy afternoon, we left the Cairnie Fruit Farm with full hearts and heavy pumpkins, excited to carve them into spooky masterpieces. We can’t wait to go back next Halloween season to do it all over again.
If you happen to be near Cupar, Scotland in Fife, be sure to plan a trip to Cairnie Fruit Farm. While we did the corn maze during the day, there is also spookier option to do it by torch light! If you dare to be scared, you can find more information on how to book your tickets for this popular event on their website. I’m happy to share that Cairnie Fruit Farm also offers a variety of events throughout the season starting in March and going through November.

Until next time- Explore & Discover!